Friday, February 19, 2010

Looking Forward to the Weekend

I can't wait for Dave to get home tonight. He's worked alot this week and I've missed him. Usually we try and have movie night on Friday's where we put the couches together and grab our doona, cuddle up and watch a movie. Its so funny because normally one of us are asleep by the end of the movie.

Sat mornings are Dave's sleep in days so i keep the kids occupied and quiet while he rests. Then we head off to cricket just after 12pm and spend all day there cheering on the team. We normally get home about 8pm so its a long day.

My sleep in morning is Sunday's but I'm going to miss mine this week because we're heading down to Port Arlington to visit mum and head to the beach. The kids are looking forward to showing Nana their new swimming skills. On the way home we're taking the queenscliff ferry to sorrento to cut our trip home by about 45mins. The boys love sitting upstairs of the ferry watching all the boat go past.

So its going to be another full on weekend for us. No wonder i get no washing or housework done on a weekend. Oh well, gotta enjoy family life and the boring stuff can wait : )


  1. I think your weekend sounds exciting!!!
    Have fun!

  2. As of 6pm tonight a spanner has been thrown into the works. Dave is heading to Wagga Wagga sunday arvo/night. So we wont hav as much time to spend down at Port, but we'll make the most of the time we do have. He's still not home yet because he had to go through to get the load for sunday. So no movie tonight :( but all kids are in bed so that an upside.
